IDBH Senso
bridging Dutch Life Science & Health sector to Indonesia
IDBH Senso has a dedicated focus on doing business in and with Indonesia, always in collaboration with local partners from
both sides. Our objective is to realise sustainable impact by
delivering solutions for the healthcare industry. In
our positioning, we fulfil a bridging role between the
Netherlands and Indonesia in addressing Indonesian care
challenges and to subsequently fulfil an intermediary role.
Depending on the challenge and related scope, we act as
project developer, project integrator or solution provider.
We combine our local presence in Indonesia and strong
international network with extensive knowledge and
experience in doing business and establishing partnerships
between Indonesia and the Netherlands. We are passionate
about driving the business and cultural relationship
between Indonesia and the Netherlands to the next level.
Through our services, products and partnerships we
engage with our customers and local partners in
projects and programs to realize long-term impact and
become a trusted partner in the Indonesian-Dutch business